What is the Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC)?
Called the Neighborhood Watch of the 21st Century, the Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) is a city-wide initiative led by the Beaumont Police Department to enhance the safety of our citizens by responding to crime more quickly and efficiently. With crime a growing concern across the nation, the RTCC is a crucial tool to help level the playing field.
The most significant advancement in public policing since the invention of 911 and the most substantial technological improvement since computers were placed in police cars, citizens can expect to see a dramatic reduction in crimes and a notable increase in resolution rates.
In short, the Real-Time Crime Center is a game changer for public safety.
- Officers – Provides officers with critical information before they arrive on scene and while incidents are occurring.
- Citizens – Empowers the public to provide first responders with real-time visibility of incidents right from their cell phone’s camera.
- Schools: Students and teachers are safer with a free cell phone app featuring a panic button that provides on-demand livestream capabilities and precise GPS location for emergencies.
- Businesses:Sharing security camera feeds with us can help reduce property loss and proactively deescalate incidents.
- Homeowners and Residents: Registering your camera informs our team about its presence in your neighborhood or apartment building, allowing us to contact you if an incident occurs. Registering a camera does not allow the RTCC to view live feeds or previously recorded video from that device.
Any citizen or business in Beaumont who has a camera at their residence or place of employment.
Registering a Device
- Purchase any security camera or monitoring device for your home or business, or register what you already have.
- Visit ConnectBeaumontTX.org
- Submit your contact information, location, and device details. It’s free to register and takes less than one minute!
Integrating a Device
- Purchase any security camera or monitoring device for your home or business, or integrate what you already have.
- Visit ConnectBeaumontTX.org for pricing and information.
- Complete the form at BeaumontTexas.gov/fusus or email [email protected] to set up an appointment.
You are in complete control of what and how much video is shared. Sharing is done on a completely consensual basis.
We’re creating a citywide registry of cameras in Beaumont. The registry allows police officers to contact you if a crime occurs near your residence or place of employment.
Camera integration allows the Beaumont Police Department to access your video footage if an incident occurs near your location. This provides extensive situational awareness to responding officers, as well as felt-safety for the public.
For More Information Visit ConnectBeaumontTX.org
- Why is the City Investing in the Real-Time Crime Center?
To make our city safer. Our primary goal is to stop violent crime, but this technology has already proven effective in breaking up parking lot fights, recovering stolen goods, finding missing persons, and stopping crimes before they happen by proactively deescalating situations.
- What Else Can It Assist With?
The Real-Time Crime Center was designed to assist in all aspects of public safety. For example, staff can monitor water levels and assist with evacuation routes during floods and hurricanes. It equips first responders with the tools needed to efficiently and effectively manage any rapidly evolving situation.
- What Technology Do You Use?
The City has a variety of technology such as license plate readers, body cameras, vehicle cameras, and street cameras that allows the Beaumont Police Department (BPD) to monitor, track and respond to crimes quicker and ultimately keep the community safer. Essentially, any public safety device or camera can be integrated into the system.
- What is FUSUS?
FUSUS is the software that allows the Real-Time Crime Center to actively monitor video from publicly and privately owned devices based on consent. It allows multiple technology providers and devices to connect into one system, and integrates with the 911 dispatch center. This gives BPD the ability to monitor and respond to incidents through one platform.
- How Does it Work?
When an incident occurs, police can monitor live video footage from integrated devices, or contact owners of registered devices in the vicinity. Analysts at the Real-Time Crime Center provide crucial intel to officers in the field, communicating important information about the scene both before and during the incident.
- What Kind of Cases Does This Help Solve?
While our main focus is decreasing violent crime, the Real-Time Crime Center can help solve everything from property theft to missing persons cases. There are AI capabilities that allow officers to quickly and efficiently search and analyze objects such as license plates across the system. We also partner with agencies across the state and country in cases in many jurisdictions, and have assisted in investigations from Austin to Alabama.
- How Many Cameras Does the City Have?
Currently, the City has 560+ integrated cameras we can access in-real time. There are 1000+ community registered cameras, whose owners we can contact in case of an incident; both numbers are growing every day thanks to the public’s help. For a live count of registered and integrated cameras, visit ConnectBeaumontTX.org
- Is This Big Brother?
Participation in this program is based on consent and entirely voluntary. BPD solely has access cameras provided to us by citizens and organizations, and we do not have the ability to review historical footage predating your consent. Individuals retain full control over the extent of information shared. Any entity can set their own restrictions on sharing, whether it’s limited to recorded or live video in emergency situations, or granting full streaming capabilities. Permissions can be revoked at any time — it’s completely up to you.
- How Can I Help?
Purchase a camera or license plate reader through any vendor of your choosing and register it with us. The power of having a registered or integrated camera gives the public a way to contribute to their own safety. And more importantly, help us spread the word. Tell your neighborhood association, your HOA, any organizations you’re a part of, and local businesses about this important program.
- How Do I Register a Camera or Device?
Head to ConnectBeaumontTX.org and fill out your contact information, location, and device details. It takes less than one minute!